Clinic 118 Holmfirth Huddersfield

We have a lot to offer…

• Sleep • Wellbeing • Mental health

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• Women's/Men's Health • Paediatric Health
• Gastrointestinal Problems

Feb 4, 2023              Chris Buckley

Jon asked, “Have you ever thought of running every day for 500 days continuously?”


David asked, “How do you not worry when you know that tomorrow you need to do something you don’t want to do”


In the second part of this "why runners run" blog we look at willpower. In part 1 we looked at intent, making grand plans, getting great ideas, and resolving to change things. There can be little doubt that planning to run each day for 500 days is a grand plan!

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Jan 19, 2023              Chris Buckley

Do the stars and constellations, heaven and earth have a profound effect to your lived experience? Can this be fate, our collective destiny? Can a swish of tea leaves, a rubble of yarrow stalks or a turn of the tarot tell you your future?

I like the mysterious unknown to remain unknown and mysterious, but I confess, I really like how our feelings can alter on an unplaced phrase, an unusual word, a coincidence or serendipity.

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Jan 6, 2023              Chris Buckley

What does this saying not relate to?

This may be life in 6 words. Eureka!

It is variously attributed to “the Buddhists” the Dali Lama and is quoted by Murakami in his book “What I talk about when I talk about running”

This blog was to be called “Why we run” but in researching the concept of “intention” it struck me that writing this as we move into a new year, where resolutions are rife I could widen the scope a bit, to include everything!

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Nov 21, 2022              Alexandra Illingworth

This week we celebrated ‘World Acupuncture Awareness Day’.  ‘‘Why’’?, you may ask did we not just celebrate ‘World Acupuncture Day’.  Surely there are few people on this beautiful planet of ours that are still unaware of acupuncture?  My answer would be, ‘Well, yes…and no’!

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Nov 4, 2022              Alexandra Illingworth

We are very lucky to have Alex building a busy paediatric clinic in Holmfirth. Acupuncture can have startlingly good effects none more so than with younger adults and children who, as we all know, are full of energy, for good reason. Come down for a coffee and introduction to how Alex can help common paediatric conditions with acupuncture and no-needle techniques for the very young.

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